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不是假的了,心里挺难受的,为北京奥运祝福吧。Olympic torch extinguished during Paris leg
(CNN) -- The Olympic torch relay was disrupted Monday by protesters in Paris demonstrating against the Chinese government, causing authorities to twice extinguish the flame and put the torch on a bus, according to The Associated Press.

Police and pro-Tibet protesters clash in Paris as the Olympic torch relay arrives in the French capital.

1 of 4more photos » The torch was being carried by a wheelchair athlete when it was halted and extinguished for a second time due to demonstrators shouting, according to AP. Backup flames, also lit from the birthplace of the ancient games in Olympia, Greece, are on call with the relay at all times to relight the torch.

Agencies report that the relay has now resumed.

The incidents came one day after human-rights activist demonstrators made the torch's journey through London more like running the gauntlet than a journey of celebration, with UK police making more than two dozen arrests. What do you think of protests at the Olympic torch relay?

The torch departed the Eiffel Tower, carried by 400-meter athlete Stephane Diagana, at around 1030 GMT (0630 ET) to crisscross a city thronged with thousands of police and demonstrators, shouting and waving flags. It was then due to be carried through the boulevards of the French capital, passing landmarks including l'Arc d'Triomphe, the Place de la Concord, The Louvre and Notre Dame.

Jim Bittermann, CNN's senior European correspondent based in Paris, said that while it was hard to gauge numbers, it looked like thousands of demonstrators had taken to the streets -- although some were Chinese backing the Olympics.

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"There was a small punch-up between some supporters of Tibet and some supporters of the Olympics," he added.

Paris police have conceived a security plan to keep the torch in a safe "bubble," during its 17-mile (28 km) journey, with a multi-layered protective force to surround the torch as it moves along the route.

French torchbearers will be encircled by several hundred officers, some in riot police vehicles and on motorcycles, others on rollerblades and on foot. Chinese torch escorts will immediately surround the torchbearer, with Paris police on rollerblades moving around them. French firefighters in jogging shoes will encircle the officers on rollerblades while motorcycle police will form the outer layer of security.

The relay route in Paris is also significantly shorter than that in London Sunday.

French Olympic champion Marie-Josee Perec, Portugal forward Pedro Miguel Pauleta and badminton player Pi Hongyan are among the featured torch bearers, with some torch bearers expected to wear protest buttons.

The head of Reporters Without Borders, a French-based group that disrupted last month's torch lighting ceremony in Olympia, Greece, had earlier told CNN his group has planned "something spectacular" to protest the relay.

At least six groups have permits to protest along the route, but only for demonstrations well away from the flame's path. The Paris mayor has ordered a banner over City Hall that reads "Paris City of Human Rights."

On Monday, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said all options remained open for Paris concerning a possible boycott of the opening of the Beijing Olympics, The Associated Press reported.

In London Sunday, the Olympic torch was met with widespread protests and scuffles between demonstrators and police as thousands turned out to protest Olympic host China's human rights record and its recent clampdown on Tibet.


2008-04-07 21:05:04   此文章已经被查看495次   
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