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Reliability network equivalents [5] for conventional systems
have been proposed to simplify the analytical evaluation procedure.
Ref. [4] extends these analytical methods to evaluate the
customer reliability in a restructured power system with a bilateral
market structure. The impact of reserve agreements among
power suppliers to the customer reliability has been included
in Ref. [6]. In these techniques [4,6], a generation company
(Genco) is represented by an equivalent multi-state generation
provider (MG) or an equivalent multi-state reserve provider
(MR). An equivalent multi-state transmission provider (MT)
is used to represent the transmission network between a MG
and a bulk load point (BLP). The reliability of each generation
company and the reserve agreements among these companies
can be represented using these equivalents. Time sequential
Monte Carlo simulation has been used to assess a small generating
system with bilateral market structure in Ref. [8]. The
impacts of time varying loads and the transmission network are

2008-05-28 16:05:20   此文章已经被查看112次   
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