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骗子邮件…… Please i need your help urgently,Its an emergency
戴璟 <>
date Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 4:41 AM
subject Please i need your help urgently,Its an emergency
mailed-by hotmail.com

hide details 4:41 AM (13 hours ago)


How are you doing today? I am sorry i didn't inform you about my traveling to Africa for a program called "Empowering Youth to Fight Racism, HIV/AIDS, Poverty and Lack of Education,It as been a very sad and bad moment for me over here and the present condition that i found myself is very hard for me to explain. I am really stranded in africa because I forgot my little bag in the Taxi where my money, passport,documents and other valuable things were kept on my way to the Hotel am staying, I am facing a hard time here because i have no money on me to clear my Hotel bill, I am now owning a sum $850 for my Hotel bill.

I need you to help me urgently with a sum of $1,800 so that i can arrange and travel back home,I need this help so much and on time because i am in a terrible and tight situation here, I don't even have money to feed myself for a day which means i had been starving so please understand how important and urgent i needed your help.I am sending you this e-mail from the city Library and I only have 30 min, I will appreciate what so ever you can afford to send me immediately through Western Union or Money Gram and I promise to pay back your money as soon as i return home so please let me know on time so that i can forward you the details you need to transfer the money through Money Gram or Western Union.
Can't wait to hear from you soon,

Note:I write you in english cos the computer has no chinse language so do write back to me in english

Dai Jing
2008-12-14 17:52:19   此文章已经被查看916次   
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