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Berlusconi:Turning down so much money is something to admire
City's bid for Kaka was reportedly worth a £100m, more than £50m than the current world transfer fee record Real Madrid paid to Juventus to sign Zinedine Zidane in 2001 and that the Premier League club were willing to pay the Brazilian weekly wages of £500,000.

"That's the end of the story," Berlusconi told Italian television. "I'm truly delighted to have kept Kaka at Milan.

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Watch Kaka's wonder goal for Brazil against Argentina
"Kaka is a great champion and a great man. He's refused the offer from Manchester City giving privilege to Milan, his companions and his fans.

"He said it's because money isn't everything in life. Kaka is staying with us and we're delighted. Money is important, but there are also other things that are important.

"The fans are delighted too. Turning down so much money is something to admire."
2009-01-20 07:30:45   此文章已经被查看258次   
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