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what is going on?
CAMBRIDGE, England — A protester threw an athletic shoe at the Chinese prime minister, Wen Jiabao, during his speech at Cambridge University’s concert hall on Monday, seven weeks after a similar incident involving President Bush in Iraq. The shoe missed Mr. Wen by at least 30 feet, but security officials promptly escorted the protester from the hall.
The police arrested the man on suspicion of a public order offense. Witnesses described him as a goateed European in his 20s or 30s speaking foreign-accented English. They said he blew a whistle as Mr. Wen spoke, causing him to pause and look up. “You should be ashamed of yourselves,” the man said, according to witnesses. “How can you listen to the lies he’s telling?” he shouted, in a video of the incident shown on Sky News television.
Mr. Wen appeared unruffled. Some in the audience said he called the protest “despicable.” Others said that when he resumed the speech, to an audience of Chinese government ministers, university officials and students, he assured them that “the relations between Britain and China” would not be affected by the protest. A police spokeswoman gave no other details about the protester, Reuters reported.
The incident occurred on the last day of a three-day trip to Britain by Mr. Wen focusing on talks with Prime Minister Gordon Brown aimed at increasing trade between the nations.
Human rights groups gathered outside the hall before the speech, protesting Chinese policies in Tibet and other suspected abuses. University officials said that those allowed into the hall had been carefully vetted, and that most were students or professors at the university.
“Cambridge is a place where ideas are put into play, not shoes,” the vice chancellor, Alison Richard, told the BBC
2009-02-03 22:18:44   此文章已经被查看267次   
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