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FTC investigation

Amway and its American online incarnation, Quixtar, have had allegations that these companies are pyramid schemes or cults.
In a 1979 ruling,[57][15] the Federal Trade Commission found that Amway does not qualify as an illegal pyramid scheme since the Amway system is based on retail sales to consumers.
It did, however, order Amway to stop retail price fixing and allocating customers among distributors and prohibited the company from misrepresenting the amount of profit, earnings or sales its distributors are likely to achieve with the business. Amway was ordered to accompany any such statements with the actual averages per distributor, pointing out that more than half of the distributors do not make any money, with the average distributor making less than $100 per month. The order was violated with a 1986 ad campaign, resulting in a $100,000 fine.[58]

Amway has avoided the abuses of pyramid schemes by (1) not having a 'headhunting' fee; (2) making product sales a precondition to receiving the performance bonus; (3) buying back excessive inventory (4) requiring that products be sold to consumers. Amway's buy­back, 70% and ten customer rules deter unlawful inventory loading. (5) Amway is not in business to sell distributorships.

In the opinion section Commissioner Pitofsky stated:
"Two other Amway rules serve to prevent inventory loading and encourage the sale of Amway products to consumers. The '70 percent rule' provides that '[every] distributor must sell at wholesale and/or retail at least 70% of the total amount of products he bought during a given month in order to receive the Performance Bonus due on all products bought . . ..' This rule prevents the accumulation of inventory at any level. The '10 customer' rule states that '[i]n order to obtain the right to earn Performance Bonuses on the volume of products sold by him to his sponsored distributors during a given month, a sponsoring distributor must make not less than one sale at retail to each of ten different customers that month and produce proof of such sales to his sponsor and Direct Distributor.' This rule makes retail selling an essential part of being a distributor. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) found that when the buy­back rule, the 70 percent rule, and the ten customer rule are enforced, they serve to prevent inventory loading and encourage retailing."
In 1986 Amway Corp. agreed, under a consent decree filed in federal court, to pay a $100,000 civil penalty to settle Commission charges it violated a 1979 Commission order that prohibits Amway from misrepresenting the amount of profit, earnings or sales its distributors are likely to achieve. According to a complaint filed with the consent decree, Amway violated the 1979 order by advertising earnings claims without including in it clear and conspicuous disclosures of the average earnings or sales of all distributors in any recent year or the percent of distributors who actually achieved the results claimed.[59]

2009-03-13 14:55:48   此文章已经被查看480次   
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