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最近暴火的一位京城姐们儿! (图)


  First of all I earned money by myself, I‘m a writter, incidentally I’m a colum writter for fashion/music/lifestyle magazines.By profession my degree is Fashion Marketing and Management. Don‘t suppose every young girls living well life is because of the rich men or parents.Don’t message me asking about this!
  Ok, everything about me, if you want to read below.
  I play the piano since 6 years old, i did ballet dance since 8 and I play the clarinet in the Jinfan Orchestra when I was 9 years old. Very appreciate my parents always support me and send me to the good education schools since I was very little. The best memory for me is in the U.S.A. when I was 15, with the end of childhood, this short time really influence me a lots about western cultures, but Beijing is my hometown, whatever you love or hate there, I can‘t living without home.
  I‘m not a model, not as tall as a model or as profession as a model. Maybe sometimes you have see me walking on the runway of fashion shows,full pages of magazines, and maybe you have see my photos at several art exhibitions. Don’t feel unfair, don‘t be jealous haters, well, you will see that my photo is print on the stone and show on "Dior & Chinese artists" exhibiton this year :)





2009-06-05 09:36:32   此文章已经被查看1424次   
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