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Say you, say me; say it for always
That's the way it should be
Say you, say me; say it together
I had a dream I had an awesome dream
People in the park playing games in the dark
And what they played was a masquerade
And from behind of walls of doubt a voice was crying out
Say you, say me; say it for always
That's the way it should be
Say you, say me; say it together
As we go down life's lonesome highway
Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two
A helping hand Some one who understands
That when you feel you've lost your way
You've got some one there to say "I'll show you"
Say you, say me; say it for always
That's the way it should be
Say you, say me; say it together
So you think you know the answers - Oh no
Couse the whole world has got you dancing
That's right - I'm telling you
It's time to start believing - Oh yes
Believing who you are: You are a shining star
Say you, say me; say it for always
That's the way it should be
Say you, say me; say it together
2009-08-01 15:44:52   此文章已经被查看268次   
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