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Lord Don't Move That Mountain
Lord don’t move that mountain
Give me the strength to climb it
Please don’t move that stumbling block
But lead me Lord around it

The way may not be easy
You didn't say that it would be
But when my tribulations get too light
We turn to stay away from thee

Lord don’t move that mountain
Give me the strength to climb it
Please don’t move that stumbling block
But lead me Lord around it

Who cares we bring on too you
You told us that we could
But you have also tried and help them self
And I believe that we should

Lord don’t move that mountain
Give me the strength to climb it
Please don’t move that stumbling block
But lead me Lord around it

<instrumental interlude>

Lord don’t move that mountain
Give me the strength to climb it
Please don’t move that stumbling block
But lead me Lord around it

The way may not be easy
You didn't say that it would be
But when my tribulations get too light
We turn to stay away from thee

Lord don’t move that mountain
And give me the strength to climb it
Please don’t move that stumbling block
But lead me Lord around it
Lead me Lord around it
Lead me Lord around it
2009-08-25 22:17:57   此文章已经被查看720次   
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