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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:6739
魅 力 值:3219
龙    币:1868
积    分:4865.5
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Job Responsibilities (Agent):

The agent will basically be the 1st point of contact for Bausch Lomb Clients; their primary responsibility will assist Bausch Lomb end users with FAQ and troubleshooting. The 1st level agent will be responsible for the following channels:
· Inbound and outbound telephone
· E-mails
· Information supervising and tracking to close


Fluent communicative English skills·

Ability to communicate clearly and effectively ·

Ability to read and write proficiently while multi-tasking (actively listening to customer and answering questions)

Strong customer service orientation

Good listening and responding skills

Working knowledge of Windows and Office applications and computer usage

Ability to understand product related technical problems
Overseas working or training experience will be an asset

CV goes here:C
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