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Field mouse
  Field mouse,field mouse,
  Keep away from our millet!
  Three years we have served you
  But what do you care about us?
  Now we shall leave you
  For a happier realm,
  a happy realm
  Where we shall have a place.
  Field mouse, field mouse,
  Keep away from our wheat! 
   Three years we have served you,
   But what have you done for us?
   Now we shall leave you
   For a happier land,
   A happy land
   where we shall get our due.
   Field mouse , field mouse,
   Keep away from our rice shoots!
   Three years we have served you,
   But have you rewarded us?
   Now wo shall leave you
   For those happy plains,
   Those happy plains
   Where weeping is never heard.
2010-03-28 15:18:52   此文章已经被查看181次   
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