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1. What is the capital of the Canada? (Canberra )
2. Where were the last Olympic Games held?(Greece)
3. Who invented electric lights?( Edison)
4. Which river flows through the Grand Canyon?(Colorado)
5. Name three kinds of stationery that start with letter P.
6. What animal is the oldest in the world?(turtle)
7. Can giraffe swim?(no)
8. There is a person who has the same mother and father with you, but he is not your brother or your sister, who is he?(yourself)
9. In the zoo, elephant has the longest nose, but who has the second longest nose in the zoo?(baby elephant)
10. Leo is talkative, but in one month, he says the fewest words, can you guess which month is it? ( February)

2010-04-06 14:19:47   此文章已经被查看190次   
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