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Ladies and gentleman
The time is here
The time is now
All over the world
Sant Francisco
Everyone on holiyday
Put your drinks in the air
This time
Jean Roch
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Jean Roch says
Can you Feel it?
Jean Roch says
Can you Feel it?
Jean Roch says
Can you feel it, feel it , feel it
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Yeah!Come on
I can feel my heart, my energy
And I doubt my fire bombs
And men you’re just like beach
And everyone about
Understand with his cry, happy end
Featuring a man who comes back flames !
Hand of God, all the power of love
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Everyday I know I feel the pain
Everynight you know I don’t lose the game
Cause you don’t look all I have in my mind
I can feel the glory in my dreams
In my life, I just see you and me
Together, we can be so strong
Get your hands up, (come on), everybody(let’s go)
Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let’s go)
Can you feel it, (say Y)
Can you feel it, (say Y)
Can you feel it, (say Y)
Can you feel it, (say Y)
Let’s Go!
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
Can you Feel it?
2010-06-07 21:55:39   此文章已经被查看219次   
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