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Here's to being free
Here's to you and me
Here's to being free la la la la la la Zorro's back
Here's to flying high la la la la la la Zorro's back
Here's to being free la la la la la la Zorro's back
Here's to flying high la la la la la la Zorro's back

It's fun to be
It's fantasy
He's so glad
To know the world as Zorro (Zor-ro!)
You know you weren't the next and run to learn El Zorro
As one good deed
Is all we need
So he'll be there
And guard our cares oh Zorro (Zor-ro!)
He'll tell you hang upon
Their necks and run you see

Here's to living free
Here's to you and me

Here's to better times with only one of a kind Zorro
Here's to living free when you know that your friend is old Zorro
Here's to being free la la la la la la Zorro's back
Here's to being free la la la la la la Zorro's back

It's hard to find when all the time
He stand the pain the world is job worth doing(Zor-ro!)
Let any strength he have the proof to make it through
2010-08-26 14:24:03   此文章已经被查看200次   
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