Obtain your sales tax refund without leaving your favorite shopping centers. Please present the following items to one of our highly trained tax specialists. They will personally assist you in obtaining your sales tax rebates.
If traveling by commercial airline:
•Confirmed airline ticket or itinerary if E-Ticket
•Original Sales Receipts* (within 29 days of departure)
If traveling by private plane:
•License number
•Original Sales Receipts* (within 29 days of departure)
If traveling by car:
•Immigration Permit (form I-94)
•Original Sales Receipts* (within 29 days of departure)
If traveling by ship:
•Immigration Permit (form I-95)
•Original Sales Receipts* (within 29 days of departure)
* Original sales receipts are kept by Texas Tax Back and sent to the retailer with other required documentation.
* The minimum amount of sales tax per store location that qualifies for a refund is $10.00.