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  dudumuzik The samely confusing to me is why American employees are paid so much.
  9 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  Again with the "Communist" comment. I don’t understand your point (and am not certain you do, either). Just how is encouraging our own growth by shaking off our dependency from foreign nations in an attempt to stabilize our national economy constitute either Socialism or Communism, exactly? Or do... more
  10 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  FuriousInch I am very serious. The government should not be telling anyone who they can do business.
  10 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  TXtornado666 youre a Communist with a cross?
  13 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  PDXSerric Are you even remotely serious?
  13 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  FuriousInch Why should you end outsourcing. Do you want people telling you where you can go to dinner, who you have to hire etc? Why should you want to do that to companies?
  14 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  IronRider China owns everything including our military. Better start teaching your kids how to speak the language now. America has been sold under our feet. What comes next? A change in currency at the recommendation of the US-Chinese government.
  Bottoms China is real, and here, and now. Oh, yes, they have the best poker hand right now. And they own a giant chunk of American debt. We need to make nice and PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! That’s what they did. It worked for them. Time to walk softly, lay the groundwork and out-maneuver We got what it takes!
  23 minutes ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  IronRider China owns everything including our military. Better start teaching your kids how to speak the language now. America has been sold under our feet. What comes next? A change in currency at the recommendation of the US-Chinese government.
  To President Hu Jintao:
  Welome, Mr. President. Even as a member of the US military fighting the Cold War, I couldn’t help but admire China. I’ve watched China rise over the years, and I am pleased with the great country China is today. I wish for you a very happy visit with the US, and I hope for a great and mutually prosperous partnership between the US and China for years to come! less
  31 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  dudumuzik I meant post WW2 Japan. Now it is another story.
  13 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  GoRemoteKC @dudumuzik,,,As a percentage of GDP, Japan’s debt is nearly twice ours......
  24 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  dudumuzik Well the only reason why China rise so rapidly because Chinese people saved up a lot, pretty much like what Post-war Japan did
  28 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
 GoRemoteKC @dudumuzik,,,As a percentage of GDP, Japan’s debt is nearly twice ours......
    24 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  The Chinese are seriously demented if they think that the Yuan will be the dominant "World" currency within 5-years......if that’s the case, maybe Congress should devalue the Dollar...making the trillions of treasury notes that China holds worthless....just like the Russians did to the Ruble in 1996!! (Hope they discuss this on their visit, in addition to the items featured in the article) less
  The excuse we use, that China is causing our gas prices to rise, is only true because our government policy won’t let us produce and use all available American resources. The alliance of Venzuela, Iran, North Korea and Russia against us and the Chinese locking up critical foreign resources at a fast rate will make things worse. All the above mentioned countries are no friends of ours and never will be. less
  39 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  dorobou did u use your "down there" to think, or were u just speaking from where the sun don’t ever shine???
  27 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  One out of every five people in the world is Chinese. It’s not surprising that China will become a major player in the near future. However, that doesn’t make them a threat to US. China’s traditional rivals have been Russia and India, not the US. China will be the dominant power in Asia. And a major trading partner with the West. This is natural. It is not a cause for alarm. Our smartest move would be to continue steering them toweard greater democracy and free markets. less
  52 minutes ago | Like (5) | Report abuse
  tinwatchman It’s hard to say how things will go. For the moment, though, we and the Chinese need each other - or, at least, we both need access to each other’s markets.
  RewindMid Long live America! That will be printed on mugs in China and sold in the United States at ChinaMart (Walmart) and the Chinese will get rich off of the mugs.
  1 hour ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  Khalsa1430 wonder if the question of when the u.s is gonna pay back their debt came up
  1 hour ago | Like | Report abuse
  CamaroRS Hu, how about that debt?
  Obama, the duties should arrive shortly. Don’t worry.
  1 hour ago | Like | Report abuse
  bbare89 Hu: About the debt?
  Obama: Sorry, something came up. Goodbye.
  1 hour ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  Shouterguy Everyone look busy. The Boss is here.
  2 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  C21H30O2 He’s here to collect payment.
  2 hours ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
  silkmaze What a silly question - Why is Hu in the US. Well he is America’s banker, he probably came over to make sure that things are on track after the the way US banks screwed up the economy. For those who don’t know, China owns a little more than 30% of America.
  3 hours ago | Like (9) | Report abuse
  Webspy I was told as a child by my grand father, and my dad, that the sleeping bear will awaken in my life time!
  12 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  MrRight123 I thought it was a sleeping dragon? Crouching tiger?
  Are you kidding me? There’s nothing to discuss. Hu has a list of demands that he will present to Obama, and the idiot that he is, will approve it, and that will be the end of the trip. Then he will take to the airwaves, and tell us how tough a negotiator he is, and call the trip a success. I don’t think there is anything else in this country the Chinese can take, except the Boeing Corp, and they are already trying to do that and at half the price. No competition there. Hopefully Obama will complete the destruction of this country in the next 2 years, so that he can call it a victory and get on with life doing something else.
  Somebody in Washington should be smart enough to know what’s going on, and try to do something about it. less
  6 hours ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
  bailoutsos While America is fighting wars and preparing for another, China is pushing a shopping cart around the world and filling it up.
  9 hours ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
  catdog Our leaders are collaborating with our enemy in economic war against middle-class America.
  12 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  USDoomed Sure and you type that nonsense on a PC made in CHINA
  11 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  Apathy4Me When you owe a bank a million Dollars, then they own you. When you owe a bank a trillion Dollars, you own them.
  So long as we carry the bigger stick, we’ll be just fine with China.
  8 hours ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
 Kane 4 hours ago (1:11 PM)
  734 Fans
  It's always interestin g to review the different websites to see how the same story is presented.
  AP: Obama hosts Hu as world powers seek common ground
  MSNBC: Obama: We welcome China's rise to power
  Washington Times: Obama receives Hu at White House
  NY Times: Obama, Hu Cite Mutual Aims and Mark Trade Deals
  Washington Post: Obama welcomes Hu by urging partnership, respect for human rights
  Fox: Obama, China President Hu Share Intimate White House Dinner
  Yahoo: Chiese leader Hu gets warm White House welcome (Yes, they mispelled Chinese)
  HP: Obama Hosts Hu For Daylong Meetings Before Glitzy State Dinner Tonight
Enlightened22 4 hours ago (12:53 PM)
  1006 Fans
  Isn't it amazing how Barack can at the same time speak forcefully about human rights, while remaining courteous, friendly and open to a discussion . Rare intelligence allows this.
  hellotiki 9 hours ago (12:53 PM)
  146 Fans
  Most important: How was the food?
  Mickey B 9 hours ago (12:39 PM)
  109 Fans
  Bottom line: Obama is asking the Chinese for another loan.
  nkannan 9 hours ago (12:33 PM)
  76 Fans
  Being able to hold people without charges, torturing them, millions not having proper healthcare , throwing people in jail on unrelated accusation s when they blow the whistle on things, peddling influence with the government ..... The list goes on and on..
  But enough about us! Let's talk about China! :-)
  但我们更惨!所以,还是说中国的事吧! 哈
2011-01-20 11:28:23   此文章已经被查看7365次   
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