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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:12916
魅 力 值:2399
龙    币:35418
积    分:16991.3
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Actively demonstrates the behaviors associated with our Core Values, including:
a) Teamwork and innovation in all areas;
b) Treating all individuals with dignity and respect;
c) Demonstrating honesty and integrity in all we do;
d) Being open and communicating directly;
e) Demonstrating fiscal responsibility.

How well does the employee recognize problems or errors, generate and recommend solutions, and adhere to Quality standards and procedures?
Employee’s level of accuracy, care and attention to detail in performing duties as appropriate for the position. Does the employee focus on continually improving processes and products.
Does the employee demonstrate strong knowledge of the job roles and responsibilities?

How well does the employee exercise good judgment in situations where emotional maturity and wisdom are required?
Does the employee work in an independent and self-motivated manner, with an appropriate level of initiative taken. Does the employee make decisions on the basis of professional knowledge, current work priorities, and doing what is right for the business?
Does the employee demonstrate flexibility on work assignments; take on additional responsibility while prioritizing and assessing their individual workload?
Does the employee perform more difficult or less desirable tasks when required and in a timely manner?

(Applies to interactions both with external & internal customers or suppliers.)
How well does the employee respond to requests, return phone calls/emails in a timely and professional manner? Does the employee effectively meet the expectations of the internal/external customers and vendors? How well does the employee respond to administrative requirements, including timely completion of time sheets; new hire reviews; performance documentation, etc. that are required by company, customers, vendors and/or regulatory agencies?

Does the employee demonstrate strong verbal and written communication skills?
Does the employee listen attentively to others for understanding?
How well does the employee demonstrate effective use of e-mail, keeping ideas concise, to the point, and clear?
If the job requires it, does the employee deliver effective presentations, keeping the audience’s information needs in mind and keeping the audience engaged?


2011-01-27 15:34:01   此文章已经被查看472次   
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