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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:1318
魅 力 值:500
龙    币:5926
积    分:2555
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. Focus on the consumer IC product system verification. They include audio, video and SOC product
2. Verify the function and performance of the chip or IP. Co-work with IC designers to debug and identify system problem
3. Signal integrity, system stability, and performance adjustment for the IC on system level
4. The testing or demo board design and layout for bringing up new system for fresh IC
5. Communicate with the clients and train them. Responsible for solving problems for the clients
1. BS or MS in electronic or microelectronic,at least two years of system experience
2. Knowledge or courses (taken) of Logic design, Microelectronics Circuit, Basic Electromagnetism, programming skill are required
3. Familiar with PCB design concept and tools. With the PCB design and layout real experience is plus
4. Can work efficiently either in a team or an independent environment
5. Excellent communication skills for internal and external; Excellent presentation skills required
6. Familiar with and be interested in the IT technical trend and marketing information
2011-08-19 21:30:05   此文章已经被查看461次   
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