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  Su (London)
  Why don't India give NE part to China. So Chinese taught Delhiwalas a good lesson?
  AK (Kunming)
  Bengal and North Eastern states should merge with China. The former being communist and cultural affinity and the latter on racial make up. Enough with Hindustani rule. They will be more productive and prosper in China.
  I have been in China for 2 years, Both North Indian features and the Tibetean features very closer to Chinese features,their cultures is very similitude.
  China should take over this province, they will be treated in a more civilized manner.
  ewr (USA) replies to Su
  The people from NE is more happy to be a Chinese.
  Lake (Mumbai)
  China should step in and take north eastern indian states. Anyways, indians from different states hate each other, What big deal if india collapses.
  AK (Kunming)
  when china attacked india in 1962, no single citizen was harrased by chinease army. People from assam and arunachal treated the indian army at their best who fled away from war. ask any 1962 war veteran. but the sad part is that indian army is raping by 13 year old girl year old girl to 60 year old lady during operations against militant in NE as if they have been told NE is a colony of india.
2012-01-05 14:17:43   此文章已经被查看445次   
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