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Expert's summary:
Xiao reported an 87% success rate for regaining bladder control after lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting in spina bifida children in China [1]. The paper by Peters et al reports a US prospective study of nine cases that were operated with the aid of Xiao and thoroughly followed up over 1 yr. Although seven of nine patients were able to increase bladder pressure by cutaneous stimulation of the respective lumbar dermatome, only two patients were able to stop catheterization and no patient achieved complete urinary continence. Bowel function, however, was improved in the majority of patients. Eight of nine patients had initial weakness of lower-extremity muscles after lumbar ventral spinal root transection, and in one child, foot drop was persistent at 12 mo.
2012-02-28 15:43:32   此文章已经被查看153次   
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