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Tearsdonde Voy

alone i have started my journey
to the darkness of darkness i go

with a reason i stopped for a moment
in this world full of pleasure so frail

town after town on i travel
pass through faces i know and know not

like a bird in flight sometimes i topple
time and time again just farewells

Donde voy donde voy
Day by day my story unfolds

Solo estoy solo estoy
All alone as the day i was born.

Till you eyes rest in mine i shall wander
No more darkness i know and know not

For your sweetness i traded my freedom
Not knowing a farewell awaits

You know hearts can be repeatedly broken
Making roam for the harrows to come

Along with my sorrows i buried
my tears my smiles,your name

Donde voy, donde voy
Songs of lovetales i sing of no more

Solo estoy solo estoy
Once again with my shadows i roam

Donde voy donde voy
All alone as the day i was born

Solo estoy solo estoy
Still alone with my shadows i roam
2013-02-02 11:35:16   此文章已经被查看2454次   
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