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Once you. 来自Google Translate
Had a dream sword wander
Take a look at the bustling world
Some frivolous young heart
Now you are at home everywhere
Gave you distressed girl
Today has been quietly without a trace
Love always make you eager and bothered
Made you black and blue
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
Walking in the way of courage
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
Sad also have wonderful

Every sad
Take a look at the sea alone
Total remembered walking on the road-side friends
How much are healing
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
I do not know how many lonely nights
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
DiLiLi ......
Woke up from last night drunk

Every sad
Take a look at the sea alone
Total remembered walking on the road-side friends
How many are waking up
Let dry glass of wine
Good man mind like the sea
After the worldly well-being of the vicissitudes of life.
This smile is warm and pure
Every sad
Take a look at the sea alone
Total remembered walking on the road-side friends
How many are waking up
Let dry glass of wine
Good man mind like the sea
After the worldly well-being of the vicissitudes of life.
This smile is warm and pure

2013-02-04 15:35:00   此文章已经被查看240次   
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