等 级:资深长老 |
经 验 值:2017 |
魅 力 值:71 |
龙 币:5395 |
积 分:2460.8 |
注册日期:2010-12-08 |
WHO 关于人感染禽流感发布的FAQ
4. Why is this virus infecting humans now?
该病毒(指 H7N9)为什么现在会感染人?
We do not know the answer to this question yet, because we do not know the source of exposure for these human infections. However, analysis of the genes of these viruses suggests that although they have evolved from avian (bird) viruses, they show signs of adaption to growth in mammalian species. These adaptations include an ability to bind to mammalian cells, and to grow at temperatures close to the normal body temperature of mammals (which is lower than that of birds).