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The causes of dementia include various diseases and infections, strokes, head injuries, drugs, and nutritional deficiencies.

Irreversible causes

The main irreversible causes of dementia are described here. These damage brain cells in both cortical and subcortical areas. Treatment focuses on slowing progress of the underlying condition and relieving symptoms.

1.Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is at least partly hereditary in that it tends to run in families

2.Vascular dementia:
This is the second most common cause of dementia, accounting for as many as 40% of cases

3.Parkinson's disease:
Dementia may develop late in the disease, but not everyone with Parkinson's disease has dementia.

4.Lewy body dementia
Lewy body dementia is not reversible and has no known cure.

5.Huntington's disease:
This inherited disease causes wasting of certain types of brain cells that control movement as well as thinking

6.Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease:
This rare disease occurs most often in young and middle-aged adults. Infectious agents called prions invade and kill brain cells, leading to behavior changes and memory loss. The disease progresses rapidly and is fatal.

7.Pick disease (frontotemporal dementia):
This is another rare disorder that damages cells in the frontal part of the brain

8.Multiple sclerosis:
In this condition, brain and spinal cord cells are damaged by an autoimmune process. Dementia can result in some people.

9.Untreated brain infections
(for example, HIV, Lyme disease)
damage brain cells by forming lesions and trigger inflammatory responses that damage or kill brain cells.

Piss on your fucking rules!I am not a little kid.
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