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据说很省油 -- The world’s first modern kite-powered cargo ship。。。

The world’s first modern kite-powered cargo ship, the MV Beluga SkySails, chartered by GE’s Project Logistics team to carry power-generating equipment, boasts the first towing kite propulsion system for a commercial shipping vessel.

The vessel is a 400ft (122m) cargo ship equipped with a computer-controlled kite attached to the ship’s bow by tear-proof synthetic rope. The kite, which is operated electronically from the bridge of the ship, can rise 100 to 300 yards (90 to 275m) into the air and uses wind to help propel the vessel during long ocean transits. The wind power harnessed by the sky sail supplements the ship’s conventional engines.

The ship’s operating company estimates that the sky sail can reduce fuel costs by 20 to 30 percent, or roughly $1,600 per day.
2013-11-11 14:19:33   此文章已经被查看293次   
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