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In January 1951, Einstein stressed the importance of religion in a letter to the Ethical Culture Society. Ethics, according to Einstein, need to be given special emphasis, as science alone cannot save us. (xxvi) He then proceeds to condemn society’s focus on developing an “intellectual attitude often solely to the practical and factual” which has produced an “impairment of ethical values.” (xxvii) And which has “come to lie like a killing frost upon human relations.” [xxviii] The cultivation of this very important element is not to be left to science but to religion that is free of superstition. Religion should therefore be an important part of education, though it, unfortunately, according to Einstein, is receiving “too little consideration” [xxix] Einstein refers to this reality as a “sin of omission” and concludes with the warning that without a religion-based “’ethical culture’ “...there is no salvation for humanity.”(xxx)


God is love!
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