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She threw him to floor and kicked baby several times throwing him out of the elevator and took him to her home.
A one-year-old boy is "temporarily in stable condition" after he was beaten by a 10-year-old girl and then allegedly thrown from the 25th floor of a building in southwest China's Chongqing City, a source close to the matter said Thursday.

The source, who requested anonymity, said the fall of the boy, Yuanyuan, was indeed related to the girl, surnamed Li. But the girl cannot be detained or prosecuted due to her young age, according to Chinese laws.

Video footage taken by a monitoring camera inside an elevator showed that Yuanyuan was taken by his grandmother to the first floor of their apartment building on Nov. 25.

Shortly after the grandmother moved a stroller out of the elevator, the door closed behind her, leaving the toddler inside with a girl who had just entered.

The video footage showed that the girl, confirmed to be Li, lifted the boy, held him for a while and suddenly threw him to the floor.

The girl then kicked the boy several times before throwing him out of the elevator and taking him away.

The boy was later found outside the building, badly injured.

The source said Li took the boy into her home on the 25th floor, beat him again, and "put him on the guardrail of the balcony."

It is not immediately known how exactly the boy fell from the balcony or the girl's motive.

Local government has provided aid to the boy and his family.

Li's family has also paid 50,000 yuan (8,196 U.S. dollars) so far for medical treatment of the boy.

The case shocked the nation and is currently one of the most talked about topics on the Web, with many praying for the recovery of the boy.

Piss on your fucking rules!I am not a little kid.
2013-12-06 15:43:25   此文章已经被查看1225次   
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