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Manila says it will respond militarily if China uses force against Filipinos around disputed island

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The Philippines said on Monday it would respond militarily if China uses force to drive away Filipinos fishing in waters around a disputed island in the South China Sea.

General Emmanuel Bautista, head of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), issued this warning as a response to reports that ships from China's Coast Guard drove away Filipinos fishing in areas around Scarborough Shoal using water cannons on Jan 27.
菲律宾武装部队负责人General Emmanuel Bautista发出这样的警告,以回应有报导说中国海警船只1月27在黄岩岛周围海域使用高压水炮驱赶菲律宾渔船一事。

"We have to react militarily if force is applied," he said at an event organised by the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines.
“如果他们使用武力,我们必须在军事上反应” 他在菲律宾的外国记者协会举办的活动上说。
2014-02-26 11:04:34   此文章已经被查看298次   
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