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Richard Lemieuvre is a science fiction writer with an insatiable appetite for sex. His first girlfriend, Nicole Segaud, gets tired of this and leaves. He hires Lucille (Laura Clair) to type his stuff, but can’t leave her alone either. Eventually, with the help of a female designer (Nadine Roussial) who also succumbs to his lusts, he creates a robot/android who will give in to his every desire. This is Marilyn Jess. He gets her to XXX his friends so that he can watch, but she begins to behave independently and he therefore creates a second robot (XNK0289), but now the first robot finds out how to use the remote control and it is Lemieuvre who becomes their joint sex toy.
2015-06-04 11:05:50   此文章已经被查看3602次   
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