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Ireland Says Not In This Country: Bans Genetically Modified Crops 爱尔兰禁止转基因农作物

Ireland has taken the bold step of banning the cultivation of all GM crops. Photo byellievanhoutte via Flickr.
Prince Charles has called it the "biggest environmental disaster of all time," whileMonsanto and others maintain it's safe for humans and the environment. Genetically modified foods are a contentious issue, but Ireland is erring on the side of caution, placing a ban on growing any genetically modified crops.Ireland will ban growing of GM crops, and a voluntary GM-free label can be placed on all animal products--such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, crustaceans, and dairy--that are raised with GM-free feed, according to a GM-Free Ireland press release. Ireland joins Japan and Egypt as one of the few but growing number of countries that have banned the cultivation of GM crops.

2015-12-16 20:32:46   此文章已经被查看657次   
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