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With the growing number of coronavirus cases, California is the next New York and New York is the next Italy, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti told reporters Thursday. 

"In the same way that New York is now the next Italy, and Italy is the next Iran, and Iran is the next China, no matter where you live, you are the next next, this virus doesn't care where you live," said Mayor Garcetti, echoing comments he previously made to CNN.

The rate of increase in the number of cases was doubling every three to four days, but today’s number shows a new rate of increase. Cases are now doubling less than every two days and if this rate continues, we will be where New York is today, Garcetti said.

"These are neighbors, these are not statistics. These are the loved ones that are in our families and our communities and our workplaces," Garcetti added.

2020-03-28 10:30:27   此文章已经被查看616次   
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