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But Jeff's remarks on coronavirus slightly contradict a study conducted by researchers at Stanford University who found that the burden of COVID-19 in the Bay Area prior to mid-February was low.

According to the study published on the peer-reviewed The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers tested 2,888 samples collected from Stanford Health Care or affiliated clinics between January 1 and February 26.

Among those with respiratory symptoms but had tested negative for common respiratory viruses, only two cases were infected with the coronavirus.

"I was a little surprised the prevalence was so low, but it was consistent with what our public health officials in California were observing through normal surveillance methods," said Benjamin Pinsky, MD, PhD, senior author of the study, associate professor of pathology and of infectious diseases at Stanford University.

It suggests that we were not experiencing significant circulation of the virus among our patients presenting for care with upper respiratory symptoms prior to the third week in February.

2020-04-23 21:10:23   此文章已经被查看193次   
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