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华为说不造车,苹果准备造车了。Apple Car.

The report says according to the component industry, the “Apple Car model is similar to Tesla”. 

Numerous companies have already started to send component samples to Apple, 

or are in negotiations and these supply chain partners will be slowly announced in 2021.

Apple’s secretive ‘Project Titan’ recently saw its self-driving car efforts see a shakeup, 

as Bloombergreported yesterday it is now led by the company’s artificial intelligence chief, John Giannandrea. 

It’s expected that Apple’s autonomous car plans are for a system designed for other automakers to use, and not to develop a car on its own.

Digitimes says Apple is also reportedly planning to establish a factory in the United States, 

while Apple Car plans are expected to debut around 2024-2025.

2020-12-10 11:01:59   此文章已经被查看80次   
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