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II. China had repeatedly expressed deep concerns at the IAEA Board of  Governors Meetings, requesting that the Japanese Government should disclose  relevant information in a prompt, accurate, open and transparent manner and should, in the first place, institute prior full consultations with neighboring countries and other  stakeholders before making its decision prudently. And China believes that the IAEA  should play a pivot role, throughout the process of the disposal of nuclear waste water, in an impartial, objective and science-based manner and in accordance with relevant  international nuclear safety standards. China supports the IAEA in coordinating  international efforts in this regard.

III. The international community has already raised doubts and expressed  opposition to Japan's decision, reportedly to be made on 13 April 2021, on the  discharge of nuclear waste water into the sea. China has, for its part, also expressed  grave concern to the Japanese side through diplomatic channel, urging Japan to refrain from pushing for a unilateral decision before the safety of such an approach is  affirmed on the basis of third party assessment.

IV. In this context, China wishes to request the IAEA to establish, without  further delay, a technical work group including experts from China, ROK and other  stake-holding countries to conduct third-party assessment on the disposal approaches  of the nuclear waste water of the Fukushima nuclear power plant and undertake  subsequent environmental monitoring activities in an impartial, objective and  science-based manner and in accordance with relevant international safety standards.


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