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In a time where the sun descends alone
I ran a long, long way from home
to find a heart that’s made of stone

I will try, I just need a little time
to get your face right out of my mind
to see the world through different eyes

Every time I see you, oh, I try to hide away
but when we meet it seems I can’t let go, can’t let go
Every time you leave the room
I feel I’m fading like a flower

Tell me why, when I scream there’s no reply
When I reach out there’s nothing to find
When I sleep I break down and cry, cry, yeah

Every time I see you, oh, I try to hide away
but when we meet it seems I can’t let go, can’t let go
Every time you leave the room
I feel I’m fading like a flower

Fading like a rose
Fading like a rose
Beaten by the storm
Talking to myself
Getting washed by the rain
It’s such a cold, cold town
Oh, it’s such a cold town

Every time I see you, oh, I try to hide away
but when we meet it seems I can’t let go
Every time you leave the room
I feel I’m fading like a flower

Every time I see you, oh, I try to hide away
but when we meet it seems I can’t let go, can’t let go
Every time you leave the room
I feel I’m fading like a

Every time I see you, oh, I try to hide away
but when we meet it seems I can’t let go, can’t let go
Every time you leave the room
I feel I’m fading like a flower

Every time you leave the room
I feel I’m fading like a flower
Every time I see you
Oh, I’m fading like a rose

Every time you leave the room
Every time I see you
Every time I see you

2002-07-05 16:51:48   此文章已经被查看255次   
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