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The sea cucumber, a common marine invertebrate in Philippine coastal waters, can be used for treating human cancer patients, claimed by scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of the Philippines in Los Baños, College, Laguna.

Prof. Aleli Gana and Dr. Florinia Merca reported in a paper published in the Philippine Agricultural Scientist, monitored by the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development, that a substance known as lectin from the body wall and internal organ of the brown cucumber (Holothuria sp.) inhibits the growth of human lung cancer cells.

The scientists extracted and purified the lectin which was described to be complete non-blood and of the C-type. The substance has high agglutinating activities and is found to inhibit the growth of human cancer cells in vitro at a concentration of 50 micrograms per milliliter.

Lectins, which are found in microorganisms, plants and invertebrates, are proteins that bind specifically to sugars in the cell membrane, according to the scientists. They have been used for blood typing and are potential drugs against the AIDS virus and cancer.

A kilogram of sea cucumber can yield about 40 milligrams of lectin, the scientists said. Purified lectins which are imported can cost $25 per milligram.
2005-01-29 06:50:56   此文章已经被查看614次   
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