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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:2325
魅 力 值:1492
龙    币:5737
积    分:3397.1
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Honorific Mr. Wu:
How are you, I am an environment college air condition an environment for of xx, writing this letter accepting appointment your company to manage a job.It is very happy to see your company to invite to enlighten publicly, early there is expectation can this everybody's court that organism will join your company.
In four years in school, I am a school report student's reporter stands Secretary-general, backlog more student's staff's experience, organize management, oral communication expression ability contain obvious exaltation.
Work in these two years inside, I from think the biggest score:Did not hold up the study and work because of anyone, anything, oneself any mood, can always 兢兢 industry industry, work hard in spite of criticism, this is exactly I to living attitude.
In the aspects of moral qualities, I from think that is an a 遵纪 for taking delight in helping others, open and aboveboardly, the person of the open-minded, is patriotic citizen to obey the law;Hope day and night that our school can develop quickly, the 腾 flies, our motherland, our race prospers more rich and strong, also hopes earnestly to do some work for your company, contribute own humble effort.

2005-07-04 08:26:58   此文章已经被查看36次   
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