等 级:资深长老 |
经 验 值:4251 |
魅 力 值:1669 |
龙 币:5054 |
积 分:4051.1 |
注册日期:2003-10-24 |
有诚意者请速邮件联系:。An Apartment Of 140sqm For Rent
( 发布时间:2005年07月08日 09:34:14 )
龙腾苑五区三室二厅二卫140平米,宽敞明亮步行5分钟即至城铁站。租金2500元/月,有诚意者请速邮件联系:。An Apartment Of 140sqm For Rent
个人出租回龙观文化居住区龙腾苑五区三室二厅二卫,140平米,环保精装修,宽敞整洁明亮,家具家电配置齐全。步行5分钟即至城铁回龙观站,只要您计算好时间,提前5分钟出门就可轻松准点坐上城铁列车,这样,你的出行就更加从容不迫。周边有各类运动场、小学、超市、餐馆、诊所等,使您的居住生活更加丰富和便利。现愿出租给有正当职业、良好生活习惯,社会关系简单之人士,租金2500元/月,水电燃气电话费等自理,租期一年起,即可入住。入住之后,舒适便捷的生活将一扫您过去的众多交通烦恼,更会让您觉得您的选择真正物有所值。有诚意者请速邮件联系: 或短信联系13161609564,请简要介绍您的情况。其它、中介等请勿扰。
An Apartment Of 140sqm Now For Rent
An apartment of 140sqm located in 5th Block,LongTengYuan, HuiLongGuan is now for rent. with three-bedroom, one-living room, two-bath room, one complete kitchen and one dinning area furnished. 3/F. 5 minutes walk to subway station, so you can go to work or school at your own pace. Sports fields include lawn tennis, basketball, etc within 400m nearby. Very ideal for residence and business. RMB15,000/6months. If you like to live in a district with fresh air, convenient traffic and community service for a leisure life, it’s your correct choice, please don’t hesitate to drop a mail to or send a short message to my mobile 13161609564