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原曲作者是美国John Pond Ordway(1824-1880),歌曲原名Dreaming of Home and Mother。李叔同(弘一法师)填词为《送别》,电影《早春二月》《城南旧事》曾做为主题曲,插曲。附英文歌词
Dreaming of Home and Mother:By Ordway
Dreaming of home,dear old home!
Home of my childhood and mother;
Oft when I wake \'tis sweet to find,
I\'ve been dreaming of home and mother;
Home,Dear home,childhood happy home,
When I played with sister and with brother,
\'Twas the sweetest joy when we did roam
Over hill and thro\' dale with mother.
Dreaming of home,dear old home,
Home of my childhood and mother;
Oft when I wake \'tis sweet to find,
I\'ve been dreaming of home and mother.
Sleep balmy sleep,close mine eyes,
Keep me still thinking of mother;
Hark! \'tis her voice I seem to hear.
Yes,I\'m dreaming of home and mother.
Angels come,soothing me to rest,
I can feel their presence and none other;
For they sweetly say I shall be blest;
With bright visions of home and mother.
Childhood has come,come again,
Sleeping I see my dear mother;
See her loved form beside me kneel
While I\'m dreaming of home and mother.
Mother dear,whisper to me now,
Tell me of my sister and my brother;
Now I feel thy hand upon my brow,
Yes,I\'m dreaming of home and mother.

2006-04-27 17:30:30   此文章已经被查看7114次   
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