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[speechclub] 31st Speech Club Meeting, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm, this Thursday,

Notification sent by presiding officer of our company speech club:
Dear speakers,

For this session, following positions are still open: a Speaker, a General Evaluator, a Timer, a Toastmaster, a
General Evaluator. Please sign up ASAP.

This time, Evans will make his 2nd speech. David will make his 2nd speech. Please prepare as much as you can.

Please check if you signed up for this session and make sure you are available.

If you haven't got chances for a speaker position, and you'd like to make one, I suggest you prepare 'pocket' speeches -
i.e. prepare a speech so that you are always ready to deliver whenever there is an empty slot open at the last minute.


Meeting Date: December 27, 2001

Meeting Theme: (Will be chosen by Ryan)

Word of the Day: (Will be chosen by Ryan)

Presiding Officer Cindy - 6:00 pm

Calls meeting to order, makes sure everyone has ballots, agendas
Introduces guests
Circulate sign-up sheet for next meeting

Toastmaster ??? - 6:05

Gives Thought and Word for the day
Sets tone and pace of meeting
Introduce General Evaluator

General Evaluator ??? - 6:08

Introduces Timer (Timer explains duties to guests) ???
introduces WAG (WAG explains duties to guests) Roland

Toastmaster ??? - 6:10

Introduces Table Topics Master

Table Topics Master Sherlly - 6:10

Explains purpose of Table Topics session
Conducts Table Topics session
Calls for Timer report for Table Topics Speakers
Calls for vote on Best Table Topics Speaker

Toastmaster Ryan - 6:15

Introduces Speaker 1 Evans (2nd Speech)
Introduces Speaker 2 David (2nd Speech)
Introduces Speaker 3 ??? (?th Speech)

General Evaluator ??? - 6:30

Conducts evaluation portion of meeting
Introduces Evaluator 1 Steven
Introduces Evaluator 2 Luke
Introduces Evaluator 3 Ryan
Calls for report from Timer, WAG
Calls for vote on Best Speaker and Most Helpful Evaluator
Provides a general evaluation of the meeting

Toastmaster ??? - 6:50

Awards distribution

Presiding Officer Cindy - 6:58

Check next meeting sign-up sheet - ensure it was circulated to all who wanted to sign up.
Opens up Business Session
Old Business
New Business
Asks for any "WINS"
Asks guest for comments
Adjourns meeting

从2003/7/30- 大家聚在一起做邻居不容易,好好珍惜。
2001-12-26 12:09:55   此文章已经被查看172次   
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