等 级:资深长老 |
经 验 值:13551 |
魅 力 值:5319 |
龙 币:19532 |
积 分:13939.5 |
注册日期:2000-09-01 |
> I'm certain that by now everyone is aware of SARS (Severe Acute
> Respiratory Syndrome) and the concern it is causing worldwide. You may
> equally be aware that one of the first symptoms is a low fever
> (38°C/100.4°F).
> It has come to our attention that many people, including health care
> providers and public officials all over the world, are now using, or
> considering the use of, Raytek devices to pre-screen people in
> hospitals, airports, and other public places for signs of fever that
> may be associated with SARS. The media is quickly picking up such
> stories, and it's important that we all understand what Raytek's
> position is on this issue so that media and customers hear the same information.
> Raytek's stance on the matter is the following: While we stand by the
> quality of our products, it is important to note that, while
> noninvasive, they were neither designed, nor are they intended to be
> used in medical applications. Medical devices must go through very
> application-specific, rigorous testing and certification. Because our
> primary markets are industrial, no Raytek product carries medical certification.
> * We do not market our products as medical instruments
> * We do not endorse the use of our products for medical purposes
> * We will not use the fear of SARS to promote sales of our products
> for medical screening
> That being said, we in no way wish to dictate how our customers use
> the products they purchase, nor is this the first time someone has
> used a Raytek product in a medical application. We know that a
> physician in Toronto who has been using the MX4+ CF for the past year
> in his research will begin a study commissioned by the Canadian Health
> Minister to determine what, if any, correlation exists between
> exterior body temperature measurements and under-the-tongue
> measurements, and how this information might be used in the fight
> against SARS. He will be using the MX6 (and perhaps the MX4+ CF) for
> these studies. Additional unrelated, but similar, studies are taking
> place in China.
> Customers and potential customers should understand that:
> 1. Raytek products are very accurate in measuring the surface
> temperature of many objects (see spec sheets of specific products for
> details), but they are not intended to be used for measuring human
> body temperatures
> 2. If Raytek products are used in medical pre-screening applications,
> final temperature determination and diagnosis should be made by
> qualified medical staff using the proper medical instruments.
> The following Q&A is posted on the Raytek website: 该网址不再展示
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