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9th of May 2003
Staff Information 6 SARS

Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware the SARS situation in Mainland China and in Taiwan is unfortunately further deteriorating. More and more areas are considered to be highly affected and the full extend of the spread of this disease remains unclear.

International Health Organizations such as WHO have revised their travel policy and implemented more restrictive recommendations in the last few days. Within China local authorities have also implemented different regulations. Some of them are very restrictive. Based on these local regulations it becomes very critical to cross the border of certain provinces and there is a certain risk to be put into quarantine without further notice if borders of provinces are crossed.

Based on all these new developments the CCC today has reassessed our existing travel policy.

With immediate effect the following rules for travels within the Region are implemented:
· All travel between different provinces is banned until further notice.
· In case where absolute urgent business needs are asking for travel between different provinces prior approval for such a trip must be obtained from the regional presidents office.
· The company discourages from all private trips at the moment. If private trips are unavoidable, people coming back from highly affected areas (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Hongkong, Taipei) have to stay in home quarantine for at least 10 days.
· If local authorities implement even stricter measures we follow locally these regulations (e.g. 14 days quarantine is applied in Shanghai at the moment).

In order to keep the business running despite these restrictions the CCC encourages all staff and teams to find new ways to satisfy the needs of our customers and make internal operations as efficient as possible under the circumstances. With a “one-company” approach and some flexibility by all of us, we are convinced that for most cases a solution with the support from groups in other locations and across segments can be found to solve problems imposed by these travel restrictions.

Further measures to protect our offices and plants are presently in preparation and will be announced and implemented within the next few days.

Please note that all these measures are implemented to protect all our employees’ health and to protect the company from any additional business interruption and from any liability risk.

We count on your understanding for the implementation of these very restrictive measures. We will constantly monitor the situation and make changes to policy as needed.

With best regards,
Head EHS Region China
2003-05-12 10:39:15   此文章已经被查看544次   
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