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What are words (Chris Medina)
What are words (Chris Medina)

这首曲子是《美国偶像》中Chris Medina的单曲专辑,虽然止步24强,但是这首曲子却在网络上广为流传。

Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员,他向和他相恋8年的女孩求婚并且最后在一起了。但是后来那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故使脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理,但Chris仍然不离不弃。后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是想赚到更多的钱让妻子受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活,虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但 What are words 这首歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里 !有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是爱!

what are words

  Anywhere you are, I am near

  Anywhere you go, I'll be there

  Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see

  Every single promise I keep

  Cause what kind of guy would I be

  If I was to leave when you need me most

  What are words

  If you really don't mean them

  When you say them

  What are words

  If they're only for good times

  Then they don't

  When it's love

  Yeah, you say them out-loud those words

  They never go away

  They live on, even when we're gone

  And I know an angel was sent

  Just for me and I know I'm meant

  To be where I am and I'm gonna be

  Standing right beside her tonight

  And I'm gonna be by your side

  I would never leave when she needs me most

  What are words

  If you really don't mean them

  When you say them

  What are words

  If they're only for good times

  Then they don't

  When it's loveYeah, you say them out loud those words

  They never go away

  They live on, even when we're gone

  Anywhere you are, I am near

  Anywhere you go, I'll be there

  And I'm gonna be here forever more

  Every single promise I keep

  Cause what kind of guy would I be

  If I was to leave when you need me most

  I'm forever keeping my angel close

中文 http://baike.baidu.com/view/5363519.html?fromTaglist

  Anywhere you are, I am near 不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边

  Anywhere you go, I'll be there 不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那儿

  Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see 不管什么时候你轻念我名字,你将会知道

  Every single promise I keep 我一直守护着我许下的每一个誓言

  Cause what kind of guy would I be因为我就是这样的一个人

  If I was to leave when you need me most所以我不会在你最需要我的时候离开

  What are words 你究竟都说了些什么啊

  If you really don't mean them 当你完全不知所云

  When you say them 说出它们的时候

  What are words那些话又到底算什么

  If they're only for good times 如果只是浮云般的的美好

  Then they don't却又于刹那间湮灭

  When it's love爱至情浓深处 无法自拔时

  Yeah, you see them out-loud those words 你大声喊出你的心声

  They never go away 它们永远都不可能消失

  They live on, even when we're gone 即使我们消失了它也依然存在直至海枯石烂沧海桑田

  And I know an angel would say 我知道天使将会说

  Just from me and now know I'm meant 只对我说而且我现在知道了我应该

  To be where I am and I'm gonna be 在我应该在的地方而且

  Standing right beside her tonight 今晚我将会一直守护在她身边

  And I'm gonna be by your side 我会这样一直守护在你身边

  I would never leave when she needs me most 当她最需要我的时候我永远不会离开

  What are words 当你说那些话的时候

  If you really don't mean them 如果你不是真心真意的

  When you say them 那些话又有什么意义呢?

  What are words If they're only for good times如果那些话只存在于过去美好的时光

  Then they don't 那么当它后来逝去时(那些话又有什么意义呢?)

  When it's love 当那些话是指爱情时

  Yeah, you see them out-loud those words 你大声喊出你的心声

  They never go away 它们永远都不可能消失

  They live on, even when we're gone 即使我们消失了它也依然存在直至海枯石烂沧海桑田

  Anywhere you are, I am near 不管你在哪儿 我都会在你身边

  Anywhere you go, I'll be there 不管你去哪儿 我都将会在那儿

  And I'm gonna be here forever more我将会永远永远在这儿

  Every single promise I keep 信守我许下的每一个诺言

  Cause what kind of guy would I be

  If I was to leave when you need me most 因为如果我在你最需要我的时候离去我将会成为什么(背弃信义)

  人I'm forever keeping my angel close 我将会永远守护你,我的天使


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2011-06-12 09:29:19   此文章已经被查看964次   
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