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Dear Mr. Frog-in-a-well, after I listened to your presentation,
I really think you need some lubrication.
So let me state my position.
And tell you some of the Chinese contributions.
We are the only oldest civilization
that continuously exists in this XXXing dimension.
Gun powder, compass, paper, and printing technique are our inventions,
which were bought to Europe by Macro Polo. And we didn’t even charge
him for any tuition.
What’s more? At that time, we had more books printed out than the
rest of the world, who was our competition?
You can’t even find a China substitution.
Although right now we are not in a classy fashion,
we are passing industrialization
and soon we will be at the top of the world’s modernization.
The glorious and shameful already gave us so many good inspirations.
And now we are searching for the world’s corporation.
I know your wife got the female intuition,
but that is just some of her bullshit generalization,
it’s time for some decent specification.
Making an anticipation,
what China will be in the next 20 to 25 years, don’t tell me you
ain’t got no imaginations.

Hey. Red-neck, you think yourself as an exception.
Cuz what you can bring is totally beyond my expectation.
Giving advices is certainly not your profession.
Why don’t you get the hell out of here, I don’t need your
And now paying attention,
it’s for your information.
I heard your daughter’s got a job helping men to get ejaculation.
Is that what’s called prostitution?
Or it’s just her own passion.
There is no emulation
between you and me cuz we are not in the same coordination.
The characters I wrote down are not called notation,
I guess a bitch like you just got poor reception.
So, in this situation,
I am making my own decision.
I am rapping this one using the beatz from your favorite song, Stan. I
hope this production
will get you some perception.
Don’t tell me you don’t know the definition.
I didn’t kill your motivation.
You lost it yourself cuz you got an insertion
and there is no compensation.
Oh, did I forget to mention,
I can point you a direction,
you might go ahead take it into your consideration.
Visiting China someday is one of your options.
It doesn’t have to be the entire nation, just some small portions.




2004-09-27 13:42:03   此文章已经被查看113次   
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