- Sincerely here for my Prince Charming.-Farha (723字节 阅读:429次 跟贴:147 2005/05/17 15:56)
- 好像是英文-rambo (8字节 阅读:258次 2005/05/17 15:57)
- 祝福一下(空)-yapeng (阅读:222次 2005/05/17 16:05)
- a lady on bamboo lattice!!!-北纬39°48′ (64字节 阅读:317次 2005/05/17 16:07)
- Blessing!! but to be frankly, do not put too much hope on internet(空)-大颠 (阅读:592次 2005/05/17 16:07)
- 要是没有金山词霸~~~~(空)-刷子 (阅读:236次 2005/05/17 16:08)
- sorry 4 keep waitting.-阿鲁伯 (7字节 阅读:353次 2005/05/17 16:22)
- good english! i wish ,but iam a divorced charming guy.take care for you.(空)-离婚成功男士 (阅读:413次 2005/05/17 16:23)
- 俺英文不好。。嘿嘿(空)-执迷醒悟 (阅读:256次 2005/05/17 16:23)
- re:Sincerely here for my Prince Charming-乳胶漆 (168字节 阅读:376次 2005/05/17 16:28)
- 人生能有几次show(空)-elion (阅读:263次 2005/05/17 16:32)
- ding !!!!-三不知 (56字节 阅读:134次 2005/05/17 16:37)
- 看不懂也ding一下(空)-jackshen (阅读:234次 2005/05/17 16:41)
- Thanks for everybody's attention.:)(空)-Farha (阅读:407次 2005/05/17 16:46)
- i \(空)-汪汪karin (阅读:228次 2005/05/17 16:58)
- hi, all guys, don't let chances pass by! first come first served...(空)-北纬39°48′ (阅读:293次 2005/05/17 17:05)
- wobuhuiyingyuwohuipinyin(空)-淘气宝贝 (阅读:298次 2005/05/17 17:08)
- 呵呵,有个性,支持一下!!!(空)-三次才注册上 (阅读:261次 2005/05/17 17:13)
- 中文翻译版—英文不明白的过来看吧。-离婚成功男士 (818字节 阅读:389次 2005/05/17 17:14)
- 那个铜铁锌那去了!!挺合适他的!!(空)-骑着扫帚到处飞的巫婆 (阅读:342次 2005/05/17 17:29)
- it is very good! i like it, but i do not want it . you can make it. it is impossibility.(空)-永远的阿木 (阅读:775次 2005/05/17 17:55)
- 好久没看英文了(空)-玫瑰百合 (阅读:298次 2005/05/17 19:22)
- 来个E文问道的朋友 一个字儿没看懂,祝福一下吧-DistanceStars (32字节 阅读:236次 2005/05/17 19:31)
- oh,I have interests in you but my sopken English is very poor~! i hope i can be one of your friends,so i can improve it(空)-jacking2008 (阅读:871次 2005/05/17 19:38)
- Amazing! 生日竟然是同一天。(空)-歌金 (阅读:287次 2005/05/17 19:52)
- 我在美国学习工作多年,觉得中国人之间还是英文交流听起来比较别扭-生龙活虎 (241字节 阅读:539次 2005/05/17 21:35)
- perhaps,you should be used to speaking chinese,and occasionally in english.--独钓寒江雪- (68字节 阅读:435次 2005/05/18 00:09)
- 俺英语比较苯,请教一下:a lot better than...? wanna to do something? 这些用法符合语法吗?-三次才注册上 (150字节 阅读:476次 2005/05/18 08:16)
- Good luck to You!(空)-欢快的心灵 (阅读:467次 2005/05/18 08:34)
- 这位大姐是想找个老外结婚么?(空)-阿星 (阅读:240次 2005/05/18 09:12)
- 天啊,这是单身男女的英文版么?晕-井中月A (24字节 阅读:382次 2005/05/18 09:21)
- I am here waiting for u join in our English club(空)-唐三仗 (阅读:447次 2005/05/18 09:28)
- 哇噻!好像法文蒸荤耶!-邻居妞妞 (57字节 阅读:300次 2005/05/18 09:33)
- yah,if you give me a chance, we may be a perfect fit!-四大皆空 (340字节 阅读:541次 2005/05/18 11:42)
- bian cha zi dian bian kan ,zhong yu ming bai,zhe ge yuan lai shi zheng hun de-大漠孤狼 (7字节 阅读:343次 2005/05/18 11:57)
- cool! 套用CCTV-1电视剧广告语:真精彩!(空)-looking_200501 (阅读:453次 2005/05/18 12:29)
- 不要以为懂点鸟语就很吊,Me, Chinese, 妈的是中国人不说中国话!!!!!!丑显什么-孤獨滋味 (93字节 阅读:293次 2005/05/18 21:10)
- does a prince charming have to ride a white horse, could not it be a black dunky?!(空)-airjordan (阅读:463次 2005/05/19 08:08)
- 对于之前的事,我对Farha深表歉意,当时的心情确实不太好,我不应该发泄在你的身上,请接受我的道歉:对不起(空)-孤獨滋味 (阅读:601次 2005/05/19 13:48)
- It's funny that...-杰森 (650字节 阅读:558次 2005/05/19 14:13)
- To people who are concerned-----Talking about age.-Farha (323字节 阅读:581次 2005/05/19 18:36)
- Are you maiden?(空)-离婚成功男士 (阅读:292次 2005/05/19 19:30)
- "marriage is for sharing but not showing off. "It`s so good! !-大漠飞沙 (158字节 阅读:558次 2005/05/19 20:03)
- Do you want to meet him?-动物世界 (166字节 阅读:642次 2005/05/20 08:08)
- everything will go better, right? see contents-jellyang (340字节 阅读:519次 2005/05/20 16:41)
- people mountain people sea le hei(空)-airjordan (阅读:285次 2005/05/20 23:02)
- 大老外也不好骗-uloo (178字节 阅读:224次 2005/05/21 13:13)
- I enhanced my English level here. Thaks all and wish you find the Prince Charming successfully!(空)-Hanako (阅读:380次 2005/05/24 00:43)
- 我的英语very poor 看不懂什么意思(空)-heibaopump2000 (阅读:539次 2005/05/24 10:21)
- つまらない!!!(空)-GD90 (阅读:259次 2005/05/24 11:07)