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just one last dance...oh baby...just one last dance

we meet in a night in a spanish cafe

i look in your eyes just don't know what to say

it feels like i am drawning in salty water

a few hours left till the sun gonna rise

tomorrow will come and it's time to realize

our love has finished forever

how i wish to come with u

how i wish to make it through

just one last dance

before we say goodbye

when we sway and turn around and round and round

it's like the first time

just one more chance

hold me tight and keep me warm

coz the night is getting cold

and i don't know where i belong

just one last dance

the wine and the lights and the spanish guitar

i'll never forget how romantic they are

but i know tomorrow i'll lose the one i love

there's no way to come with you

it's the only thing to do

just one last dance...just one more dance...just one last dance


2006-07-20 15:54:25   此文章已经被查看153次   
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