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Hung up
time goes by so slowly

every little thing that you say or do
i'm hung up
i'm hung up on you
waiting for your call
baby night and day
i'm fed up
i'm tired of waiting on you

time goes by so slowly for those who wait
no time to besitate
those who run seem to have all the fun
i'm caught up
i don't know what to do

time goes by so slowly
i don't know that to do

ring ring ring goes the telephone
the lights are on but there's no-one home
tick tick tock it's a quarter to two
and i'm done
i'm hanging up on you

i can't keep on waiting for you
i know that you're still hesitating
dont't cry for me
cause i'll find my way
you'll wake up one day
but it'll be too late

2006-08-12 10:54:37   此文章已经被查看94次   
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