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1. tell me about yourself.

2. what sort of job would you really like ?

3. why are you leaving your present company ?

4. how can you justify our hiring you ?

5. why did you want to interview with this company ?

6. what makes you think you are ready for a job like this ?

7. what does your frequent job-changing say about you career direction ?

8. will you relocate ?

9. how soon would it be before you could make a contribution ?

10. what motivates you ?

11. what magazines do you read ?

12. who in history do you most admire ?

13. what are you short-term goals ?

14. what are you long-term goals ?

15. how long would you stay with us ?

16. what are you looking for in a job ?

17.what can you do for us that someone else can’t ?

18. how well do you work under pressure ?

19. what salary are you worth ?

20. what are you three most important accomplishments in your career ?

21. what is you greatest strength ?

22. what is your greatest weakness ?

23. why aren’t you earning more at you age ?

24. why do you want to work for us ?

25. would you want to compete against me for my job ?

26. how would you handle this particular job ?

27. are you creative ? give me example.

28. how many people have you hired ?

29. are you a good manager ? give an example.

30. how do you feel about employees suiting the company ?

31. how have you helped to increase earning for former employers ?

32. how have you helped reduce costs for former employers ?

33. do you consider yourself a competitive person ? explain.

34. are you analytical ? give an example.

35. why do you fell you have top management potential ?

36. are you a leader ? give an example.

37. how do your subordinates get along with you ?

38. are you a motivator of people ? explain.

39. why did you major in XXX ? (computer science, accounting, history…)

40. how did you extracurricular activities in school ?

41. how did you get along with your last employer ?

42. did you enjoy working for your last employer ? explain.

43. how will your major strengths help you in this job ?

44. in what way do your feel you can make the biggest contribution to this firm ?

45. what kinds of book do you read and how much time per week do you spend reading them ?

46. how do you feel about stock options?

47. what kinds of people attract you ?

48. what kinds of people annoy you ?

49. what sports do you enjoy ?

50. what problems have you handles in the past ?

51. how did you happen to get into the field of … computers ?

52. does you present company know you are planning to leave ?

53. how soon can you start working for us ?

54. how much money do you need to live on ?

55. why are you interviewing with us ?

56. how do you think you would fit in with our firm ?

57. how do you feel about working for a woman ?

58. why are you changing fields ?

59. if you started over again, what field would you choose ?

60. what direct supervisorial experience have you had ?

61. why were you divorced ?

62. why did you marry a second time ?

63. what role does your spouse play in your career ?

64. what did you like best about your last/present job ?

65. what did you like least about your last/present job ?

66. what outside income do you have ?

67. why should we hire you ?

68. how much do you know about our company ?

69. if your present/past income commensurate with your abilities ?

70. how you ever been fired ? what did you do ?

71. have you ever gone through bankruptcy ?

72. what are your general feelings about interview ?

73. how would you conduct this interview ?

74. why have you been unemployed for so long ?

75. have you ever considered self-employment? If so, what would you do ?

76. why were you not successful in your own business ?

77. how much do you want to make in five years ? in ten years ?

78. what are your thoughts regarding promotion ?

79. do you prefer working with others or working independently ?

80. how would you describe the ‘ideal’ boss ?

81. do you have a saving plan ? are you debts current ?

82. do you live within your means ?

83. what effect does your spouse’s work/career have on your career ?

84. what outside groups or organizations are you active in ?

85. how many hours per week do you think a person should spend on this job ?

86. what do you do for exercise ?

87. how do you do spend your spare time ?

88. what would you do to improve our firm ? and how ?

89. what more could you have done in your present/last job ?

90.what suggestions have you offered former employers that were adopted ?

91. what are you travel limitations ?

92. why did you finish college?

93. in what ways do you consider yourself successful ?

94. what are your plans for further education or training ?

95. what is the most difficult (rewarding) assignment you have completed?

96. how would this hob compare with your last/present job ?

97. how do you feel about firing someone ?

98. how do you feel about profit ?

99. what is most important in your life ?

100. how much time do you spend with your children ?
2004-06-18 10:37:39   此文章已经被查看62次   
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