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以下资料提供自:Journal of Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmentl Medicine Vol. 20 No. 1; April. 2001: pages 3-10

Some animal studies indicating adverse effects

The use of specially bred mice and rats for laboratory research has long been the accepted form for evaluating possibly toxic chemical substances for effects on humans. This has also been the main method for attempting to determine any adverse effects from exposure to microwave radiation, similar to that which is emitted by mobile phones.

A. A team of scientists funded by Telstra, investigating claimed links between cellular phones and cancer, turned up a significant finding of concern. They used 200 lymphoma-prone mice as highly sensitive detectors of possible cancer promotion over their short life-span. Half of them were exposed and half not, to pulsed digital phone radiation. The work was conducted at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and it revealed a highly-significant doubling of cancer rates in the exposed group. The mice were subject to GSM-type pulsed microwaves at a power density roughly equal
to a cell-phone transmitting for two thirty minute periods each day.12
The industry and governments. general response to these findings was that they should not be applied to humans - which, if it were true, would condemn billions of dollars of similar rodent research each year to the scrap heap.

B. Investigating the possible effects of cell phone radiation on long-term memory function, Dr Henry Lai of the University of Washington, conducted a series of experiments on 100 rats in 1999. He filled a large tank with opaque, milky water and gave the rats six swimming trials where they learned to find safety platforms hidden just below water level and therefore out of sight. He found that the rats exposed to short bursts of low-level microwaves forgot the location of the safety platforms quickly, while the unexposed control rats retained these important special memories.

Dr Lai said about the findings: .The long-term memory of virtually all the .exposed. rats appeared to have been affected. Short-term memory loss is being unable to remember something which you have just done or glanced at. Long-term memory is something which has been learned or recalled and stored in the brain. The data from this latest study is certainly a cause for concern..13

In an earlier 1994 study on microwave exposure effects on short term memory in rats. ability to negotiate a maze, Lai and co-workers found a similar effect.14

C. Dr. Lai and co-workers also have 4 papers published on DNA damage with microwave exposure. They have observed DNA damage in the brain cells of live rats after only two hours of relatively low-level microwave exposure. The frequencies used by Dr. Lai were above normal cell phones, but close to the new PCN mobile phones widely used by American and European teenagers, and the lowest intensity at which DNA strand breaks were discovered was well within the range of mobile phone exposures.15,16,17,18

D. Researchers at Lund University, Sweden, carried out experiments in 1999 on a possible effect of mobile phone radiation on the brain.s blood-brain-barrier, a biological filter which isolates the brain and central nervous system from material in the blood supply which could create problems with memory and processing functions. Nervous tissue can.t be replaced if attacked by the body.s immune responses, so toxins and certain substances, such as the protein albumen, need to be prevented from entering the brain tissue, where they could have long-term toxic effects. The researchers used rats and exposed them to microwaves which mimicked mobile phone emissions. After two minutes. exposure, the rats. blood-brain barrier opened up, allowing the protein albumen to enter the brain. Even when the microwaves were not strong enough to heat up the rats. heads, the scientists detected the effect deep in the centre of their brains.

Professor Leif Salford, the neurologist who carried out the research, said: .We saw opening of the blood-brain barrier even after a short exposure to radiation at the same level as mobile phones. We are not sure yet whether this is a harmful effect, but it seems that molecules such as proteins and toxins can pass out of the blood, while the phone is switched on, and enter the brain. We need to bear in mind diseases such as MS and Alzheimer.s which are linked to proteins being found in the brain.

Professor Salford said his team came up with the same findings when they repeated the experiment. .So we think we are on to something very significant,. he said. Proteins are a normal part of the blood, but can cause nerve damage if they manage to get into the brain.19 Salford has been doing BBB work for decades, and is now discovering these effects at such low RF/MW levels because the sensitivity of his toxic detection system has been progressively
improving over the years.

E. Similar research, conducted by researchers at the University of Munster, Germany, found that microwaves at the frequency of 1.8 GHz significantly increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to sucrose in rat brain cells in vitro.20

F. In a paper titled .Potential for Interaction Between Specific Classes of Prescription Drugs and RF Fields from Hand-Held Portable Telephones., scientists from Canada.s Radiation Protection Bureau (RPB) cautioned that RF/MW radiation can . increase the permeability of the blood-brain-barrier and modulate the action of some psychoactive drugs..21
2005-04-27 17:03:15   此文章已经被查看699次   
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