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I'm glad having received your email, and welcome you to China.

I'm pleased to discuss the other co-operation issues with you, but unfortunately, I'll go outside of Beijing on business, and will be back on 3rd, April. Do you still stay in Beijing then?

As for our co-operation, I have the following suggestions as your references. That is, you invest to construct a development team, I can preside to organize and develop, you know, I have many useful experiences on development. Therefore, we can design and develop something according to Chinese situation in order to be avoid of some translation problems.

If any more questions, please feel free to call my cell phone:

Receiving you email is very glad, welcome to China. I am willing to discuss other cooperation way with you, but It happens that I will go outside several days later. I will be back in Beijing on 3rd April and I don’t know whether or not you are still in Beijing.

I have the following advises about the cooperation for you: you invest and build a development team. I am in charge of organizing development because I have so good professional and developmental experience that we can avoid some translation problems and design the development according to the real situation of our country.

(此文由依依在2006-03-24 15:23:27编辑过)
2006-03-23 14:21:16   此文章已经被查看282次   
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